Worship. Community. Hope.
Get access to daily devotions, weekly Bible studies, worship videos and more.
We're an online Community following Jesus, praying together and worshiping together each day.
Become a part of a Community desperately seeking Jesus every day. Join us as we partner together to save lives. Today. Join us.

Want to go all in? The best of the best? Become a Unicorn.
Our Unicorn level is the top of the top. There are only 5 spaces available.
Will you be one of them? This ministry can't exist without you. Truly.
You get exclusive access to everything in all other levels plus you get a private concert in your living room or neighborhood and access to special gifts throughout the year! Want to level up? Here's your chance.
Interested in seeing lives changed?
Every year we see over 500 children get sponsored through the work of this ministry. That's 500 lives saved. We see countless people drawn closer to a relationship with Jesus. We see hearts moved and lives restored. You can be a part of this life changing work. You can be a part of this ministry. Join today.

What's Inside The JoinDavesBand Community?
When you BECOME A MEMBER you get instant access to:
- Over 1500 written devotions waiting for you
- Exclusive access to weekly Bible Studies
- Over 150 Video Devotions
- Downloads of all of my albums (19 albums!)
- An Online Community where we learn about Jesus TOGETHER to encourage your faith journey
- Early access to new worship music and videos
- And so much more!
When you BECOME A MEMBER you are joining a Community working together to give back to those in need.
We are trying to be a reflection of Jesus every day.
Your support keeps the message of hope reaching those struggling with addictions through our efforts with the There Is Hope Movement.
And...the first $2 of your monthly donation helps sponsor a child through Holt International.
Just $2 a day can give a child food, clothing, clean water and healthcare.
You can be the change today. Join us.
What our Community is saying about JoinDavesBand...
"The music, the worship, the Community. I could go on and on. Too many reasons to name. The Community is incredible." - Margaret
"I joined because of the devotions and the Scriptures every morning. Dave's singing is a bonus!" - Diane
"I like having the support each week, spiritually with the Bible study and physically from our Community." - Laura
Your support helps change and save lives.
It changes lives in the name of Jesus.
When you become a member, the first $2 goes to support a child through Holt International, then EVERY PENNY goes to directly to:
- funding the ministry
- helping us get on the road to change more lives
- new music
- promotion
- LIVE events
- and so much more.
We need you to help us so that others can hear the message of hope. With your support, you become a part of
bringing HOPE to those who desperately need it.